Website Archives - Alanis Morissette Archives


Alanis Morissette Archives is sporting a brand new layout made by the wonderful Margos! I hope you all like it as much as I do. I also know the site has fallen behind the last couple of months on updates, but I fully intend to get everything back up-to-date, slowly but surely.

I’ve spent the last few days getting the Alanis Morissette Archives Gallery up-to-date with all of the photos I could track down, and the result is thousands of new photos! The biggest gains were in the appearances & events section, as well as in concerts, but I’ve also added some new photos of Alanis at awards shows, photoshoots, candids and even some photos from when she was a guest mentor on The Voice back in 2012!

There are far too many new albums to link directly, but please take a look through everything. You can also view all of the photos sorted by most recently updated directly at this link.

New Gallery Layout

The Alanis Morissette Archives Gallery has a gorgeous new look, designed by the amazing Margos! You can check it out in the featured image above, or by clicking any of the links to the gallery. Furthermore, I’ve also added a selection of music video captures and television appearances captures as well. Check out those links below.

If you visited the site over the past couple of days, you may have noticed that it was rebranded as Alanis Morissette Archives and featuring an all-new layout!

I was waiting to make this post about it as I was still fine tuning some of the content pages, but I’m pleased to have it up and running now. I have a TON of content that’s going to be added to the site over the next couple weeks, so make sure to check back and follow the website on Twitter.

Hello, everyone, and welcome to the grand opening of Intellectually Alanis. As Alanis Morissette is my favourite singer, I felt like we were in desperate need of a site for her catered to the fanbase, so that’s exactly what I’ve created here. Owing to how long Alanis has been in the business, this site is obviously going to be missing heaps of information, but in time, I hope that we’ll one day have all of the information anyone would need on Alanis.

If you have anything to contribute to the site, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us!